

Category: Sports
Company submitting App: Assist Apps
Name of App: Basketball Assist Lite
Copyright: 2012 Assist Apps
Developer’s URL: www.assistapps.com.au
Email: info@assistapps.com.au


Easy recording of player & team statistics during a basketball match.

Makes scoring & bench duty a breeze by simplifying the recording of score card data. Great for novice scorers.

Immediate production of a properly completed and widely accepted score card at the end of the match for clubs, schools & associations.

Try out this free version, and submit your comments for possible incorporation into the paid version. See below for changes & additions already planned for the paid version.


For coaches & players: record the vital statistics as the game progresses using the user friendly platform and ‘follow me’ prompts. Record baskets made & missed, fouls, rebounds, steals, turnovers, assists, court location of shots, & substitutions. Provides the player & coach with a clear report of an individual’s statistics or the whole team. The program calculates time on court for each player as well. Statistics are stored for later retrieval.

For bench officials & scorers: the app can be run in two modes. One to keep track of the score & stats, and one for scoring only. In score only mode, the user has a very easy interface to record the referee’s signals. Makes it very easy for novice scorers to enter the match data. No need to have a grasp of the rules. Just enter the data as the referee calls it. At the end of the match a clear & concise score card is produced. The completed score card complies with most clubs & association requirements, and can be printed, stored or emailed from the device (requires a cellular network or WiFi).

For clubs, associations & schools: the app makes scoring easy. If they can tap a screen, they can keep score. Takes all the arithmetic & rule knowledge out of scoring. Instant production of an acceptable score card at the final whistle. No more waiting for bench officials to tally up points. Score card can be emailed, printed or stored by the device. Once the score card is approved, it is converted to a secure pdf.



More features:

-Auto handling of foul shots.
-Auto handling of foul shots following a team exceeding the maximum foul limit.
-User settings for personal foul limits, team foul limits, game duration, quarters or halves.
-Record data on just one team or both.
-Full edit/check feature to permit error correction on the fly.
-The user is prompted with which group of buttons to tap next by the use of flashing borders.
-Raw match data is stored, providing a complete sequential run of every recorded action, for dispute resolution, or going back over a match to check.
-Game Clock synchronisation is made easier with the user able to select different modes. ALL for when the clock stops on all whistles. Continuous, for when the clock stops only for injuries & time out. And Default, for when the clock stops on fouls & time outs. The user can switch to ALL from Default in the last minute(s) if rules dictate. The user can easily adjust the device’s game clock to match the court’s game clock.
-Pop up error messages to prompt the user when a correction is needed. For example, if a player exceeds the personal foul limit (they should be subbed off), if a team exceeds the team foul limit (the opposition get foul shots), there are too many players on the court, to few players on the court, etc.
-Auto save feature so if there is a crash or break, the program can be quickly restarted from where it left off.

Paid Version: after a short trial period with the lite version, we plan on releasing a paid version. In the interim we will be assessing bugs & comments from users, to assist with the final touches on the paid program.

What is planned for the paid version: